Head 'em up and move 'em out: Edmonton-style

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

3-day torture contest!


Okay folks, a BIG apology that I didn't post this sooner as the deadline's tomorrow. But you can complete an application online, so no worries!

For those of you that don't know, every year a 3-day novel contest is held for aspiring writers attempt to attempt to write a complete novel in, you guessed it, 3 days!!! This year people will be able to watch the pain and agony that is this contest for themselves.

The Southpoint Chapters will be having 12 writers undergo this grueling literary battle live in the store. Having witnessed my sister attempt this several times, I can tell you it's VERY entertaining for observers. And if you're brave enough to actually want to attempt this feat yourself, what better opportunity than this!?

More information and an online application are available at booktelevision.com
I'm attaching an application to this email as well for your perusal. The application is quick and easy so you've got time to get it in AND to pass it along to any writer friends.

This event has already received publicity in the national press and a buzz is quickly developing. They're looking for interesting people who have the guts to stick out the weekend in a fishbowl. The event will take place on the September long weekend and a documentary will be produced about the weekend. It's a great opportunity for anyone who wants to break out onto the writing scene with some drama!

And if you're not a writer yourself, encourage a friend so that you can have the pleasure of taunting them throughout the whole process and watching them slowly going insane - that's what I do!


  • At 9:50 AM, Blogger Lolabola* said…

    sadly I really really want to go watch this. What fun!

  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Electrolucy said…

    I'll probably hang out at it the whole weekend - we can't taunt together!


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