Head 'em up and move 'em out: Edmonton-style

Friday, June 09, 2006

Aw nunts.

Okay, so I’m forced to eat my words. This week I set out to see the play “Postcards from Hell” at Nextfest. A couple folks I know were involved and I wanted to check it out. However I was pretty trepidatious about seeing it and I didn’t figure I’d get that much out of it. You see, the performance is based on the book of poetry, Nunt. I myself had not been a huge fan of the book – I found the flow disruptive and the prose just didn’t work for me. I just didn’t expect I was going to enjoy this.

But I have to say I must eat every little last one of my words. I was incredibly impressed by the production in terms of its adaptation to the stage, the direction, and the performance of its lead. Suddenly a great deal more of the text connected with me. I would go so far as to say this is how Nunt was meant to be appreciated. The text has always felt like a narrative to me rather than poetry and as such, the stage seems to be its most appropriate medium. So kudos to cast and crew. Jason Carnew did a great job with the direction, and Charles Netto did an amazing job with what was really a very difficult role to perform convincingly.

There’s just one show left on Sunday and you should really try and catch it. Info’s at nextfest.ca and if anyone wants to go I would actually go see it again (never thought I'd be saying that!)

Oh yes, and thanks also to everyone who came out and supported the I-India show. It was a great time and we raised a nice chunk of money for the orphanage. Now I must go spend my gift certificate at Maggie’s store…yeehaw!!! I’ve already got my dress picked out!


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