Head 'em up and move 'em out: Edmonton-style

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Work it, baby!

Okay, I figure since I'm sort of doing the 'modelling thing' at the Savoy tomorrow, I best take this test!

However, I will plug the designer I'm working for since I looooooooove her clothes. Maggie Walt www.maggiewalt.com

Come to the Savoy tomorrow and help out the I-India orphanage! www.i-indiaonline.com/

Which fashion designer are you?

Ralph Lauren. A hopeless romantic, you love love. You are a free-spirit, who paints and explores nature in her freetime. Ever so girly, you like flowery things that capture the innocense you project. Often a bit Bohemian, your style is usually relaxed and comfortable. Guys adore your cuter-than-life-itself nature and free-love philosophy.
Take this quiz!

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I gotta say, there are a couple of elements of that description that I'm loathe to admit are true...sigh.


  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger Lolabola* said…

    Hey I can't make it due to teaching....hope it's a blast and thank god the hockey's off for a bit!

    See you Sunday

  • At 11:06 PM, Blogger Perogyo said…

    How did the modeling thing go? I am on the edge of my seat here!


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